Short Bio

Who Is Kevin Pinkerton He is a visual artist and educator working in The United States and Taiwan for the past 35 years. His art is based on the cycles of the growth and decay and the cycles nature Pinkerton has exhibited In New York, Taiwan,Pasadena California Potsdam Germany,Shanghai China and Grand Rapids Mi He brings rich view of the world to his work. Pinkerton describes it as living in the in-between he also describes his studio windows as a portal to the in-between suspending time though and places .


The window of my new studio has been a constant presence since I moved into my new home three years ago, following my relocation from Taiwan. Reflecting on the historical influence of Renaissance painting, where the window symbolizes a connection to the world through the perspectival system, I have considered how the twentieth century emphasized surface and frontality. This led me to explore what lies beyond these concepts, particularly the interplay between the interior and exterior of the window. In my paintings, the window serves as a conduit for bringing space into the studio, creating a paradoxical intimacy and distance in the viewer's experience. My artistic process begins with a mental projection from a specific viewpoint, before layering on various media such as acrylics, charcoal, and colored graphite. Through the application of washes of paint, I aim to evoke the randomness of rain covering a window during a storm, adding motifs to create fleeting visions. This interplay between initial projection and subsequent gestures gives the painting a sense of breath, as though a breeze has come to disturb the surface. This exploration of layers and depth in my work is what drives my artistic vision forward.

Kevin JP Pinkerton 2023.